Overhead lines - Safe Work Procedure
Overhead lines - Safe Work Procedure - Worksafe BC Part 19
Many City activities involve working near overhead lines. There are two categories of overhead lines:
1. High Voltage Lines are not insulated. Contact can be lethal or cause life altering injuries. Approach limits apply to tools, machines, material and equipment at the workplace.
Workers must know limits of approach when working around electrical lines. If minimum clearance cannot be maintaned, BC Hydro must be contacted and a form 30M33 submitted to determine if power lines need to guarded, de-energized or re routed before proceeding with work.
2. Telecom Lines must not be approached closer than 1 meter (3.3 ft).While less hazardous than high voltage lines, their insulation can be degraded and they can conduct electricity if touching electrical lines. If snagged, they can pull down electrical lines with them.
Utility poles can carry both types of overhead line.
A – Primary electrical wires
B – Secondary electrical wires
C – Electrical Service Lines
D – Telecom & Telecom Service Lines

Task Procedures for working in proximity to overhead lines:
· Plan work to avoid electrical contact. Document this planning on a Record of Tailgate (ROTG) form and identify overhead lines on the Field Level Hazard Assessment( FLHA)
· All workers should be aware of the location and type of overhead lines in their work zone.
· Determine if the minimum required clearance can be maintained throughout the work.
· If the minimum required clearance cannot be maintained, do not proceed. Contact your supervisor to arrange a meeting with BC Hydro and determine what further precautions must be taken.
· Equipment Operators must not raise equipment (truck boxes, booms, buckets, etc.) before physically inspecting the area to ensure that there is no conflict with overhead lines.
· If an equipment operator can't clearly see overhead lines, a spotter is required. The spotter must
maintain a clear view of the overhead lines, the equipment and the operator. Spotter and operator must use mutually agreed upon hand signals.
In case of contact:
· Treat all power lines as live and extremely dangerous.
· If an overhead line is damaged, the owner of the utility must be notified.
· Keep yourself and others back at least 10 meters from a fallen or damaged power line, and any equipment, tools or materials in contact with the line.
· If you are in equipment that has made contact with an electrical line stay in the machine until help arrives
· Do not attempt rescue. Call 911 for help and keep the area secure – do not let public or other workers approach
· BC Hydro can be reached at 1 (888) 769-3766 to report an outage.